Sunday, March 13, 2005

Law Maker

Law Maker
Originally uploaded by applesofgold.

Taken after his Abitur in Ursula Gymnasium..with a note of 1.2 naks

"What a father says to his children is not heard by the world,but it will be heard by posterity"

Michael Efren is my oldest son...his lolo marciano Sr. used to call him angel.He is the first apo among the girls..second marc and from my elder sister..Mon Peter(mon-mon) my husband side..they used to call him Miguel...I think he is really an angel(?)I was a teenager as I got a child.I was only 7 months married and he died of leukemia .And after 2 months ,came somebody new.

Somebody New......

There's somebody new at our house

who only came today,A cute ,sweet little someone

We surely hope will stay;He's a bundle sweet and rare,

And all the angels in heaven could never be quite as fair.

There's somebody strange at our house,

Who calls himself our own;

And though he's been here so short a time

He's master of our home.

We wouldn't dare deny his wish,

We love his winning smile,

He's found a place within our hearts

In such a little while....mommy

1 comment:

My Little World said...

our pride, like his lolo mars!