Saturday, December 10, 2005

This morning when the Lord opened a window to Heaven,He saw me,
and He asked:"My child,what is your greatest wish for today?"
I respended:"Lord please take care of my family ,relatives and special friends.They deserved it
and I love them very much.
The love of God is like the ocean,you can see its beginning,but not its end.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

To a dear kuya Jun...Happy Birthday

Focus Now
Right now you have available to you everything you need to one step forward.
Once you take that step,you will have even more available to you to keep on going.
The more persistently you move forward,step by step the more momentum you build.
And it is a process that you can begin at anytime.
Focus on the one step that you can take right now.
Let go of all regrets and resentment about what has happened already.
Let go of all fears and anxities about what may be yet to come.
Put your energy into where you are,and use that energy to do what you can to this moment.
Though there maybe noise and confusion all around,you can transcend all those directions.
Decide to focus on the task at hand,for that is what will move you forward.
Think of how great it feels to be moving in a positive,productive directions.
Focus your energy right now and make it happen.

Monday, October 03, 2005


Sometimes the heart sees what the eye cannot"

Monday, September 19, 2005

God said,No

I asked God to take away my habit.
God said,No.
It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No.
His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience.
God said,No.
Patience is a byproduct of tribulations;
it isn't granted,it is learned.

I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No.
I give you blessings,Happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No.
Sufferings draws you apart from worldly cares
and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said,No.
You must grow on your own!
But I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, No.
I will give you life,so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me,Love others,as much as He loves me.
God said...Ahhhh..finally you have the idea.
If you love..

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

It's all in the mind

The mind is the singular most important agent for change...with the revival of ancient techniques and the invention of new forms everyday,it is difficult enough keeping absent of everything,not to mention becoming a master of them all.

Monday, July 18, 2005

"Dankbar für jeden Tag"

Eine Ehefrau,die ihren Mann vier Wochen lang während seines Sterbens begleitet hat,beschreibt ihre erfahrungen:
"Wenn ich es mir wählen dürfte,möchte ich einmal ganz schnell in den Tod gehen; aber ich bin dankbar,dass X's Sterben vier Wochen gedauert hat. Ich bin um jeden Tag dankbar den ich für ihn noch sorgen konnte,für jede Begegnung,da er sich auf mich verließ, meiner Kraft vertraute,auflebte,wenn ich sein Zimmer betrat,wenn ich an sein Bett kam,wennn ich ihm zu trinken brachte,wenn es aus meiner Hand etwas zu sich erlebt hätte,wenn er in jener ersten Nacht erstickt wäre.Ich hätte diesen Tod unsagbar grausam und sinnlos empfunden,ohne die Möglichkeit Abschied zu nehmen,ohne die Möglichkeit,noch einmal gut zueinander gewesen zu sein.nie habe ich intensiver gespürt,was er mir bedeutet hat,als in diesen vier Wochen seines Sterbens.Ich bin dankbar dafür,dass er sich s
tapfer gegen Tod gewehrt hat.Das Herausgerissenwerden aus dem täglichen Nebeneinanderherleben hätte unendlich viel Schuldgefühle geweckt.So war noch einmal ein intensives Miteinander möglich,ganz hingeordnet auf den Sterbenden,nicht mehr in den Ansprüchigkeit,dass auc ich Beachtung finde,dass auch mein Rat gelten möchte.
Es kommt mir vor,als ob es das Letze gewesen sei,was er geleistet hat,sich gegen den Tod zur Wehr zu setzen,noch eine Weile für uns dazusein.Gewiss war ich fro für ihn, als er den letzen Schritt in den Tod hinter sich gebracht hatte.Dass sein Leiden ein Ende hatte.Wohl war ich glücklich,und zugleich bin ich dankbar für jeden Tag seines Sterbens ohne klage,in Tapferkeit,für jeden Tag,da er noch in der Lage war,meine Liebe entgegenzunehmen.Die Erfahrungen des Sterbens war die größte Gemeinsamkeit,die uns beiden zuteil geworden ist,größer als alle Erfahrungen der Ehe,als die Umarmung,als die Zeugung,als die Geburt und das Glück und die Sorge mit den kindern.Es war das absolute Wichtigste,das ich in meinem Leben erlebt habe."

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Prayer of a parent

When my patience seems too short,help me stretch it,teach me how to meet each crisis with a smile..when I'm running out of quick and clever answers,let the questions stop for just a little while..When it seems as though the day has too few hours,in which to do the things I have to do...May I always find the time for what's important..time for listening,time for love and laughter too...

....Caritas 3 angels

"Though another may have more money,beauty,brains than you;yet when it comes to the rarer spiritual values such as charity,self-sacrifice,honor,nobility of heart,you have an equal chance with everyone to be the most beloved and honored of all people."

Monday, July 11, 2005

Do You Ever Wonder?..........

Do you ever wonder at the wonder of it all? Do you ever stand in awe of the tiniest things and how perfectly,they work together? Do you ever stop to think about all the possibilities and how even though,they have no limit they grow in number with every minute?
Do you ever wonder when the leaves,flutter down in autumn
at the encomprehensible power of life that brings them back in springs?
Do you watch the waves roll in and then look out far beyond them
Where the water seems to touch the sky and realize that the vast expanse before your eyes?
Is only a small little corner?
And Do you comprehend that all there really is.. as unimaginably grand as it may seem,is only a smaller corner still, of all that there can be?
Do you ever wonder how love can stay alive..past every pleasure and every pain
And even where there can be no hope.....there is more than ever?
Do you ever struggle to lift a heavy rock and wonder how a massive mountain can rise thousands of feet above the plain, without even trying?
Do you realize that, no matter how much you may know,it may know no matter how may wonders you may experienced, there will always be more?
Do you ever wonder why it is you wonder...and why you know..what beauty is...........
even though you can't define it?
Do you ever wonder who is looking out,through your eyes,
and feeling completely at home,with the wonders of it all?
Whatever you believe,
whatever you profess,
Whatever you doubt or fear or hope for,
there are some things your heart cannot deny.........
When you let go and let yourself know
the wonder of i t all.

Monday, July 04, 2005


A woman of real beauty smiles in trouble,
gathers strength from distress,
and grows brave by reflection and prayers.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Kuya Jun and his son Kokoy,mama and me....."True happiness depends upon close alliance with God" Posted by Hello

"Real friends are those who,when you've made a fool of yourself,don't feel that you've done a permanent job" Posted by Hello

Singkil...a moslem dance Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mothers Day....

Mothers Day........ for the million things she gave me.
O......means only that she's growing old, for the tears she shed to save me, for her heart of purest gold; for her eyes,with love-light shining,
R.........means right,and right she'll always be.
Put them all together,they spell
"Mother"....A word that means the world to me.
I love you ma..from your daughter ,girlie

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My sister and my blogger.....

16:00 Uhr...I was in the kitchen preparing for our late lunch.I have heard a loud voice,almost screaming"Shit..shit...shiiiiiiiiiit" vanish..its gone..mein Gott äh.
.......hmm..I rushly went to see if there is something serious happen.,
Oh I see,a ja!she is doing a computer work..
Sonia arrived for few hours ago from Stuttgart.And there you are ,sitting with my laptop...
I told her ..hold your breath ,lets have a lunch first...tsk..tsk..tsk...
"she nod ..OKE,,again,sisterlein dali Naaaaaaaaaa essen..calling her almost with melodies..
she nod again "K"....
I observed her so focused and very concentrated..her hands,fingers glides, like a bird,so smooth,moving with her body and head fast like a grasshopper...
Her "ha ha ha" happiness to see the outcome..really a worth holding her up here with me in NRW(Nordrheinwestfallen.. ) .of course she promised me that..beautiful blogger..I admit iam not a literate computer,just trying hard.... The kids were a great help to this project.That time mike was around had contributed a technique that made sister copy and paste much easy as before..ehehehe;-)
And sister made again my life much more Colorful..bloggerly thanks,muaahh...
my blogger is mostly visited now..Thank you for dropping by...
bloggerly yours,

Friday, April 29, 2005

..time ran fast

My children are all grown-ups now. How the time ran fast. I could still see those innocent smiles during their childhood- school days. I thought as a mother, i have done my obligations- giving them my love, care, advices and assistance to hold them straight, which mother can offer to their children. To give them a good and strong foundation to build their own family too. There are times, i could feel their broken hearts, their loud cry being helpless but i cannot just be there to give them a hand and it hurts me so.

Man is lonely by birth. I believe, this is one thing in our life that we have to consider. I am sure, i am not alone in this World confronted with such feelings.

Grundschule of Mackie Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The German Patients....

I work here in Germany,in one of the biggest Organization in the whole world for nearly 10 years now.My task is to take care of old people.I find my work so difficult but interesting.I love to work under old people.You see,,my patients mostly are intelligent,correct,one could imagine like a "President" or a "Queen".Almost all of them are lonely people.I guess,because of their experiences in former times..regardless of war or any reason.
I know that to be "old" isn't a favorite theme .Being old is relative.It is really hard to accept being old:That problem be old isn't a problem but instead,that; how can we stay young.
In my area lives 3 pinays.I able to start the first step to work as an Altenpflegerin follows Clarita and Norma.
The 3 Angels........
For the German patients having us as Schwestern..they find it "lucky"
They know we do our job"pflege mit Herz und Seele"(we work with heart and soul) properly.And mostly, with gusto.
Of course,our duty has a time table..very limited for every patient..with different approach.
Clarita is my wechsel dienst.She work 5 days and free and I work week-ends and 5 days and then free.
We have a first patient we call her madame.Parkinson and diabetic ,highblood..Mwf is a big programe.M19..meaning a 1 hr service."P"
paligo,pahairdo,pakainin,pabihisan ,pablutdruck messen,pabigay medis at pa fix sa beddings.(anova yan) oi..don't forget to empty pa the toilletenstuhl.
at mag doku...hehehehe wa akong deutsch sister net.
Of course,in order that we know what is going on with her..we need to converse while doing our job.
Heto na...we have our own key to get inside..knock2x...guten morgen..Frau...
dann automatisch druck man die malteser notruf(hmm..)NAAAAAAAAA wie geht es Ihnen?..sabay pasok at nag tiklup na ng gamit nya..Sie antwortet..äh.. gut...sabay ..kuha sa nag basa..sabi ko naman..klingt nicht zu überzeugen Frau...dann fängt Sie an zu erzählen..wissen Sie was Schwester..gestern war ich doch ins tagespflege...blabla..Öje...
After an hour pawis na ako..oke Frau ..dann bis morgen..Sie warten bis die civis Sie abholt okeeeeeeeee...?! mit kliene stimme..oke danke schön und bis morgen..(häää) makilala pakaya niya ako bukas kung hindi umandar ang demenz nya.Dann tschüß....sabay takbo to the next patient.My very first patient was a blind lady,parkison and overweight..I thought to myself I will try to look for a job if by a chance I could find one.Since Iam not pschologically strong to handle such cases.I always think of my mama.I pity them..I cried so hard ,at my first duty..but now ,Iam already used to it.I could even tackle the smell of the urine or stuhlgang.Whatelse could I do I choose that missionary work.And Iam glad I did.My father would be proud of me ,for I know he wished me to be so.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Der Weg Zum Glück

Halte Hass fern von deinem Herzen,
belaste deine Gedanken nicht mit Sorgen.
Lebe einfach,erwarte wenig.
Sei freigiebig,singe oft,
bete ohne Unterlass.
Erfülle dein Leben mit Liebe.
Sende Sonnenstrahlen aus.
Denke nicht an dich,
sondern an andere.
Behandle andere Menchen so,
wie Du willst,dass sie dich behandeln.
Das sind die bewährten Glieder
in der goldenen Kette der Zufriedenheit.

Text:gefunden im Fernster eines Friseurs in Ägypten

Monday, April 18, 2005


Efren used to read this poem he really likes it so much.Realizing that my father used to read and re-read it all over again according to my sister.
I missed them so much, not because I have this feeling ..being left alone.
Iam fighting with Gog..such a powerful,very influential..very
Iam so exhausted with an overwhelming problems.Sometimes,I could not help but cry.A loud cry but nobody could hear me.And sometimes, I was talking with my late husband and father..who left me for 30 years ago.
When Iam dead my dearest
Sing no sad song for me
Plant thou no Roses at my head
Nor a shadey cypress tree
Be the green grass above me
With showers and dew drops wet
And if thou wilt remember
And if thou wilt forget
I shall not see the shadow
I shall not feel the rain
I shall not hear the nigthtingale sing as if in pain
And dreaming through the twilight
That doth not rise nor set
Happly I may remember
Happly I may forget...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

My Neighbor....

For 8 years ago,Lita began her life without a stronghold,her husband died.Now,her daughter is 14 years old.Lita is my neighbor.We have set a date for a lunch at her place.So, we went groceries and she cooked best Ilocos food.While standing,at her side..I noticed in her Ref.,a 2xDinA paper with a memo.for the both of them....Sehr interessant!

°Cherryl ;-) MamaÖ
°Cherryl Darf bis 19Uhr Draussen bleiben
Sollte es Später werden muss Angerufen werden!! ÖJeden Donnerstag soll Cherryl mind.1std. in ihre Bücher Gucken! °Ab 21h Herrscht"Telefon
recht verbot! ö Telefonieren:Mama Darf
nach 15min. um Eine En-
de beim Telefonieren.
Bitten o. um Rückruf!!
°Nicht frech sein!!Respekt!! öNicht Hauen!!
°Cherryl sagt Mama Bescheid mit wem Sie
sich tr ifft(Name u. Wohin ihr Geht)! egal mit wem!ÖCherry
+Mama Gehen auch mal ein-
kaufen Ohne sich zu streiten!°Cherryl Darf mit ihren
freudinnen Einkaufen u. entscheidet auch selbst
was ihr Gefällt! ÖMama Lässt cherryl ,Den film abend zu ende Gucken!
°Handy bleibt an!ÖMama Liest Die Briefchen nicht,Die in Cherryls
schultasche liegen!!°TV Bleibt morgens aus...Radio an!!
ÖMama vertraut Cherryl!!
°Schultashe wird Abends gepacktÖCherryl soll sich auch
mal Entschuldigen,wenn was falsch gelaufen ist!!!
Ein tag in der woche gehort euch Beiden^°Q°8-)
gez.Sabine cousine..

Thursday, April 07, 2005

To a dear sister..Sonia,weil du einmalig bist

Niemand hat deine Fingerabdrücke.
Niemand hat deine Stimme.
Niemand sagt so"ich liebe dich" wie du.
Niemand glaubt wie du.
Niemand hat deine Geschichte.
Niemand spürt die gleiche Trauer,das gleiche Glück wie du.
Niemand ist wie du.
Niemand in deinem Land,auf deinem kontinent,auf dem dritten Planeten dieses Sonnensystems,in der Galaxie, die wir die Milchstraße nennen.
weil du einmalig bist....hdl

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Desperate Blogger....

For few months ago..dreams come true.Mr. Acer came to my life(...compliment of Abu!) Herrn Acer open the windows for me.Made all possible things via telekom,Internet..
My sister(My little world) told me I should start doing project.For me,it was enough that I could chat and hear voice with webcam with my families abroad..(Canada,Ireland,Germany,Philippines..Manila,Davao)
Oh...I said,maniana,maniana.. spanish words..tomorrow,tomorrow.So busy,soooo lazy..or no future.
Hmmmm...sister said;"this generation is full of High Technology, if you are not going to cope-up you'll be left behind.T'ja. okey..but my Don Juan is not here,(Marc my youngest son who spoonfeed me)All I need to do is to click,click and click.All configured,programe,etc.etc
What Mommys wants,gets.Easy huh!! "MACKY".....druhung,...Bitte,... hab Dich lieb,ich vermisse dich,..wann kommst Du?-aaahahah!. anak rushly came..and e..voi`la,venetto..tapos na ang lahat.'snot that easy..huhuhu!
My sister Sonia is a great company.She helps,she calls,she SMS,she'll even once in awhile junk kuya Peter..whatelse..I said: I need to do this really..other wise ma demenz ko ani.
Mr.Blogger is my partner .Sometimes he makes me confuse,sometimes frustrate me,to my dismay he even leave me"ERROR" think got tired of my being changeable "taste" mind.
Ms.Template were more than 5x change. And Mr. Blogger most of the time he made me..ha..ha..Happy.

Monday, April 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by applesofgold.
Class 1970-71...High School at University of Mindanao,Davao city Philippines


....some are gone ...and some are living
all these places have their meaning.....
High School days is the most exciting memories in life.One could really say..."if only I could turn back the time"....and yes! we were Interesting people..are people who are interested.Bores are people who are bored.
We made a lots of activities in campus...I guess if there is one to get a good credit for being active was me..somehow my extra-curricular activities are 100% good..I won't dare to say "very"since I was a shy girl"kuno?"..I dance..I sing...I play the theater piece..a group..activist..and a muse...above all boys were like bees roaming around..and at the age of 14.. a muslim Prince offered me a marriage and be a Princess..and of course, I gracefully say no..after all I still want to play..bahay-bahayan.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Real Friends....

Real friends are those who,when you've made a fool of yourself,don't feel that you've done a permanent job.
Last sept.5,1988 a girlfriend of mine sent me a letter that made me really surprised...may I share this letter and her poem addressed named girlie.
She wrote;
Dear Girly,
My surprise is not very surprising but this poem was conceived last night before I went to sleep...... then I "put finishing touches" this few minutes before I'm going down to the post office.
I hope you'll like it.It is for your "entertainment"for your birthday!
Love Always,
Nenet Insoy
A Friend Named Girlie
by:*Red Rose 9-4-88
I thank God for all these people
That surround my little soul
They may be young and maybe old
Somestimes jolly sometimes cold
But let me speak of a friend
Who might have a heart of gold
But this treasure she carefully hold
Sometimes rejected other times misunderstood
Her beauty is for every eyes to see
But,yeah,look deep through the inner she
Behind the proud smile there's a gentle face
Behind the sharp tongue is a humble phrase
Look at the way she moves
Fast strides reflected her happy world
And even if she wanders anywhere
She comes home like another winner
She is sincere friend
But a sting to an enemy
She dances gracefully
But sings ordinarily
Her taste is classy
But eats heavily
Her jokes are funny
Yet sometimes bland and corny
Oh, all the things I've seen in Girlie
Are of course seen in me!!
Girl,have a ha..ha..happy birthday!
P.s. lock your age behind the drawer.
*If you can't remember,I used to write Red Rose as my pseudonym..especially
when we were active in the Horizon Campus.. requested songs are signatured by Red Rose............Me
Nenet Insoy Guevara

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Paris..Holiday a`.la Pinoy

Eto na ako..a 3 days trip to Paris.but before that..lots of preparation to do.,what to bring.Alam nyo naman pinoys are likely...kurips.matipid or ma poor.In other words...bit-bit if possible all what we need.Feb.5,2005..Die absolut galaktischen Mega Vier..explore the romantic place in Europe.The Mango tours made a good programe for the tourist guest...japs mostly and few germans ,3 pinoys and 1 arab..we really saw what we wanted to see.Paris itself has 12M population of a different nationality,culture,languages.Like our popular Woolworth is Tati ,.most visited shopping center.Although ,I love Lafayette ..its like Kadewe in Berlin.
PariStyles..tour Eiffel,champ de Mars,musee du Louvre,Notre dame,Opera, Champs elysees-Etoile,Pont De L'Alma...a stadtrunfahrt mit fotostopps...not to forget ,The Flea Market..the world's leading antiques market and one of the Paris region's most important tourist attractions.It's a 7 hectares and 2500 shops.Old furniture,unusual items,old books...,is a delight to bargain hunters and to people who love strolling around in unusual settings.Discover all of Paris with only one ticket.metro.............

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Law Maker

Law Maker
Originally uploaded by applesofgold.

Taken after his Abitur in Ursula Gymnasium..with a note of 1.2 naks

"What a father says to his children is not heard by the world,but it will be heard by posterity"

Michael Efren is my oldest son...his lolo marciano Sr. used to call him angel.He is the first apo among the girls..second marc and from my elder sister..Mon Peter(mon-mon) my husband side..they used to call him Miguel...I think he is really an angel(?)I was a teenager as I got a child.I was only 7 months married and he died of leukemia .And after 2 months ,came somebody new.

Somebody New......

There's somebody new at our house

who only came today,A cute ,sweet little someone

We surely hope will stay;He's a bundle sweet and rare,

And all the angels in heaven could never be quite as fair.

There's somebody strange at our house,

Who calls himself our own;

And though he's been here so short a time

He's master of our home.

We wouldn't dare deny his wish,

We love his winning smile,

He's found a place within our hearts

In such a little while....mommy

Mother and Son

Mother and Son
Originally uploaded by applesofgold.
Smile is the best medicine

Friday, March 11, 2005

ma and monic

ma and monic
Originally uploaded by nenet.
Children are a great comfort in your old age...
and they help you reach it faster,too.

The first and the fourth generation...

Girlie with her sons

Girlie with her sons
Originally uploaded by nenet.
Once upon a time I planned to be
An artist of celebrity.
A song I thought to write one day,
And all the World would homage pay.
I longed to write a noted book,
But what I did was learn to cook.
For life with simple tasks is filled,
And I have done,not what I willed,
Yet when I see boy's hungry eyes
I'm glad I make good apple pies...

prima ballerina

prima ballerina
Originally uploaded by nenet.
"Mabuhay"almost defies translation.In its general usage it simply means "Welcome",yet it can also be a salutation,a wish,a toast,for it is the imperative form of the Pilipino w ord "to live" exhortation to enjoy life to the full,a reflection of the natural goodwill and hospitality of the Philippines..
A modern Filipiniana dress.. and the Ifugaos

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Maria Karina....ang batang maldita a real lady,a grown up kid..whom we used to teased, as a noughty girl.But she isn't..she is just a perfect person..sometimes misunderstood.
She left Philippines as she was only 26yrs. old.Difficult for such a child who grew-up with such a big family,very clannish.Her dreams and ideals in life engrave deeply to her heart.And God bless her too.Of course ,all that's glitter are not diamonds.Or its not all a bed of roses.Lots of thorns.For this she has been preached and informed from her family,friends and most of all her own aunties abroad.We use SMS or long distance and even internet as a method of communication.still,she made us feel important by sending us a special card and to a special occassion.
she sent me a card of a "Happy Mother's day" and written in her own permanship..not PC or fix card.

Dereast Auntie Girlie,

There's a special touch of thoughtfulnessin everything you do... That's why there's so much love tucked in this heartfelt wish for you!

Have a Wonderful Mother's Day


ps..Dear Auntie Girl. Hope you'll enjoy this day.Thank you for your kindness and God bless you always..Karina

;-) to this moment,she is in Ireland,working and has a friend named..ken...God bless Inday..we love you

Saturday, February 26, 2005

oh..I Love to dance

.....nicht nur vier linke Beine!(visit:My little
Yes.Dancing is one of my interest in life.I guess I started to dance as I was a fetus...I never worries about stage fright.Of course,nervousness on facing audience is there esp. for first time...up to now,Iam still learning and endulging dances of many cultures.After all..Iam not a Prima Ballerina..I just love to fell the art of dancing ,the bit of my heart ..rhythm.Und ich wurde eine Gute Darstellerin dar.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.....Remember this,..from Josefina c. San Pedro(my teacher in Davao City..U.M) Posted by Hello

Friday, February 18, 2005

The rare and endangered Phil.Eagle(Pithecophaga jeffreyi),the first Philippine Eagle born and bred in captivity.....nature-tripping and resort-hopping call 006382-2444935 (dodong)300963(kokoy and kakang)only at a lowest price..... Posted by Hello

Pristine white sands and shady beaches abound on nearby...Samal Island and nears the Aguinaldo Pearl Farm......Pinoy-germans on holiday...Auntie Nenet (stuttgart) Marc(Köln)Girlie(International ini) Posted by Hello

ma-a davao Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Davao City,My home land....

The city of davao,considered one of the largest in the world in terms of land area,is all of 244,000hectares.It belongs to the Southern MindanaoRegion,which is composed of the provinces of Davao del Norte(now Davao province),Davao Oriental,Davao del Sur,South Cotabato,and the chartered cities of Davao and General Santos.The warm waters of Davao Gulf lap the eastern shores.

Geography and Climate
The predominant terrain of the region is mountainous.Davao City and its outskirts are marked with rolling hills sloping down to fertile valleys.Mountain ranges straddle the rest of the countryside.Located in a sheltered groove on the southeastern tip of Mindanao,Davao enjoys good climate year-round and is practically free from typhoons.

Population and Dialects
Davao City is a home to more or less a million people of different regional origins.Some come from as far as Ilocos in northern Philippines;others are Visayan settlers;still others belong to indigenous tribes.Cebuano is the main dialect,but English and Tagalog are widely understood and spoken.

Getting There
Philippine Airlines flies twice daily to Davao from Manila(one hour and 35 minutes away) and from Cebu(55 minutes away).There are also PAL flights to Davao from Cagayan de Oro and Zamboanga.For more scenic route,take the 2-day overland trip along Pan Philippine Highway from Manila to Davao via Philtranco Bus Lines'Luz-Viminda Run.Many shipping lines also service sea routes to Davao from Manila and other neighboring island provinces.
Getting Around
The ubiquitous Philippine Jeepneys provide easy and accessible means of transport within Davao City.Bantam cars,called P:U.'s serve as taxis around the city.For other routes,it is best to negotiate with the driver before starting off.But the best way to get around is still via hired car;contact your hotel concierge.
Accomodations and Other Facilities
Davao City is a tropical getaway with all the modern conveniences of the city living.Within the city are plenty of hotels,lodges and inns for the traveler to cool his heels.
Surrounded by well-manicured lawns in an 8-hectare area,the davao Insular Interncontinental Inn has 153 rooms that look out towards the half-moon bay between Davao and Samal Island.At the heart of the city is the hospitable Apo View Hotel,Durian Hotel, Marco Polo and many more.

Discovering My Home land...Dabaw
The visitor's introduction to the cultural diversity and vastness of Davao begins upon touchdown at the Davao International Airport.Muslim motifs draw attention to the spacious terminal building,with its dark wood panelling and dangling capiz shell chandeliers.From the tarmac,the 244,000 hectare expanse that is Davao City stretches towards the horizon,where the cloud-covered Mt.Apo looms in solemn majesty.
From the airport to downtown is a mere 25-minute ride along diversion road,past burgeoning industrial and commercial districts,golf courses,the casino,hotels and inns,manufacturing plants and government offices Downtown is a building grid fo shopping archades,market-places,movie and shop houses,restaurants,modern office buildings and apartment rows.

The face of this booming metropolis bears little resemblance to the Davao that was and still is the home of ethnic tribes like the Bagobo, the Manobo,the Mandaya,the Mansaka,the B'laan and the T'boli.These early inhabitants gave the land her name- from daba-daba,meaning fire-conjuring images of tribal wars and ritual fires along the banks of the Davao River. Other tribes like Maguindanaos from the adjacent provinces of Cotabato(my birthplace),Zamboanga and Jolo also settled in the fertile basin of the river.It was not until the mid-19th century that the spaniards were able to overcome the stronghold of the Muslim chieftains.With this conquest came Christian settlers from Luzon and the Visayas.
Today,Davao is a melting pot of people from all over the archipelago.This diversity extends itself to all aspects of society,from cultural and traditional practices to religious and political affiliations.In spite of these differences,Davaoenos thrive in peaceful co-existence and are smiling examples of the well-known Filipino brand of hospitality.
Aside from its people,Dabaw is also a land of many natural attractions.Outside the city proper are agricultural plains planted with all manner of exotic flowers and fruits.Outlying islands harbor beaches basking in the sun and coral reefs teeming with marine life.Within its forest are sancturaries of rare animal and plant species.Surrounding hills and mountain ranges beckon with th promise with the promise of adventure.
Mabuhay.....daba-daba..lunsod sa mga guapa sama nako...

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Everything has been thought of before...

There are places i my life..though some have changed* homeland

The city of Davao,considered one of the largest in the world in terms of land area,is all of 244,000 hectares.It belongs to the southern Mindanao Region,which is composed of the provinces of Davao del norte(now Davao Province)Davao Oriental,Davao del Sur,South Cotabato and the chartered cities of Davao and General Santos.The warm waters of Davao Gulf lap the eastern shores.
Davao city is home to more or less a million people of different origins.Some come from as far as Ilocos in Northern Philippines;others are visayan settlers;still others belongs to indigenous tribes.Cebuano is the main dialect,but english and Tagalog are widely understood and spoken.
Our Geography and Climate.The predominant terrain of the region is mountainous.Davao City and its outskirts are marked with rolling hills sloping down fertile valleys.Mountain ranges straddle the rest of the countryside.Located in a sheltered groove on the southeastern tip of Mindanao,Davao enjoys good climate year-round and is practically free from typhoons.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

In my life......I love them all

The material in this blog page has been collected over a long period of time.The compiler wishes to acknowlegde all viewers,whoever they may be, a sincere thanks for dropping by..
daghang salamat ...